“Water, 4 Life, in Jesus Name”
Call Us: 1-281-535-3553 RNM, INC.
2023 In Review- On-Going & Finished Projects
Well Rehab & New Water Well Projects
We've had great success rehabilitating existing wells that were either damaged from wear and tear of daily use, or that got vandalized in some ways in several communities. Some of the projects we encounter include wells with submersible pumps damaged by over or under voltage from the electricity supply of the local utility company. In the first half of this year, we have completed several projects that are either well rehabilitation or new wells, plus water access extensions to less than 1 mile for users that had it otherwise before in India, in particular. Most of our water projects are in Nigeria - in the North Central Nigeria and in the SE Nigeria that we regard as our WASH program area.
Altogether we have delivered some 30 water projects and a some special programs for the 4 Orphanages we support.
Looking at the mini-report of "Recent Projects Delivered" you will notice that a good number of the projects are new deep wells in the North Central and SW Nigeria, plus a few 4 medium depth to shallow wells in the SE part of Nigeria, thus bring our water well projects delivered to some 25 projects within the past 12 months.
In addition to the new well and rehab well projects we continue to execute, we have constantly done WASH related activities on a monthly basis. That involves well site visits to ensure that the wells are still working as intended, teach or train the locals/well users some basic health hygiene and sanitation like proper hand wash techniques with soap and running water, and how to avoid the spread of diseases through handshaking, and other contacts that engender disease transmission.
On average our WASH team does about 2 Well Site visits per month. During the visits they also perform the following functions:
Demonstrate how best to wash your hands - show and tell technique
Collect water from the site and use that to perform a water quality chemical test. The result is passed on to the user community through their leaders/well caretakers
Use Orality technique to share the gospel with the people that attend their hygiene training sessions.
This year, our Walk for Water took place in April and we had a good turn out at the event. A number of Dominion Church members from Dickinson join us for the event along with the senior Pastor - Greg Thurstonson, and Dr. Armstrong - Galveston County Commissioner participated with his family.
Overall the participation was about 100 adults and children at the event
Approximately $13,500 was raised from the event - before, during and after.
Participants learned more about the water crisis, and how to share the message with others - friends or family in order to get them involved in the future.
Several of our new well drilling and rehabilitation projects have been posted Online on Facebook. Below are a few selected projects now highlighted in pictures to give our site visitors an idea of the extent of work being done by RNM field staff.
To check out our past 12 months key project lists, click recent projects to learn more
Volunteer or Fundraise
We took an early Summer trip to India to see first hand what our Orphanage and Widow Care ministry partners were doing, and to access how they were aligned with our goals and vision in their core programs. What we witnessed was very impressive in the three locations that we work with, namely: Jangeradigidum/ Perimpata; Chebrolu; and Hyderabad. To learn more check our Blog posts on India.

We do our work through 3 partnership charities and ministries in India. The focus is on Orphans and widow care in particular with the goal of poverty reduction and relief aid.
As such we have done job-skills training and provided 20 sewing machines to 20 graduates from a tailoring skills training school conducted by CH Jayamma ministries as part of 20th Anniversary year in 2021.
On several occasions when natural disaster strikes, we also extend our resources and encourage our donors and volunteers to support the outreach in order to bring some relief aid to the "least of these". (Matthew 25:40-45)
We have also provided a number water access points closer home in some villages to ensure that women and children do not have to walk more than 1 mile to access domestic water.
In India, we've been doing collaborative work by helping provide finances and guidance to ensure food and supplies (like winter blankets, clothes) are provided to care and support the Orphans and Widows at these three locations over the past 2-3 years in India. Recent Monsoon rains caused a lot flood havoc for the poor.
Rapid Respons with CH Jayama ministries to the flood victims:
Our Work in focuses more on the Orphanage and Widow care ministries. But when a massive flood and erosion devastes the poor in rural communities, we respond as much as possible with available resources to support our local partners that demonstrating the love of Christ to their neighboors that are less fortunate by buying lots of food, vegitables and other typical resources that will sustain the victims for some time, including clothings for those whose little properties and shelters have been ravaged or distroyed by the monsoon rainfall.
They traveled about 100 Km from their base to reach out to the flood victims that had their homes literally washed away.

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Be a Water Relief Ambassador or advocate.
RNM will occasionally award some special certificate or plaques of recognition for outstanding contributions from partners / volunteers, or give token gifts in appreciation of committed partner / volunteer support.
Above all, we believe the greatest reward can only be given by the Lord we serve or labor to honor. Heb.6:10; and that "...to whom much is given, much is also required" Luke 12:48
Partner & Volunteer Recognition Awards
The recognition and prestige of being a Relief Advocate - one that champions the cause, put our volunteers in great light in social and religious circles as genuine humanitarians and true philanthropists.
For partners and volunteers who make it to the mission trips, or participate in the lead role in local fundraising drives that generate over $5,000 in revenues and gifts, you become recognized at our next Annual Gala as a Relief Ambassador.
To Fundraise and achieve your Relief Ambassador recognition at the next October 28, Gala share the "Donate" button link above and have your friends and family select or use the Special Projects menu option to make their donation.