“Water, 4 Life, in Jesus Name”
Call Us: 1-281-535-3553 RNM, INC.
2021 - Our 20th Anniversary Year!
It is indeed amazing to think about how it all began.
How our personal story full of challenges and near tragedy in the quest for clean drinking water for daily domestic uses has transformed the lives of so many - about 1.5 million people in West Africa: Nigeria, Niger Republic, India, and to some extent in Sierra Leone.
On April 28, 2021 - Relief Network Ministries, Inc. made it to 20 years old. We celebrate that milestone during a number of special events throughout 2021.
These are:
The 2-mile Walk 4 Water Relief - Sat. July 17, 2021
The Graduation Ceremony of 20 Indian Semestresses in our partner ministry Training Center for job-skills empowerment in South India. We're raising a gift of a sewing machine to each of the first 20 graduates.
The Dedication of 2 special boreholes in Benue State Nigeria as follows:
Water 4 Life at an IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) Camp of over 5,000 users near Markurdi
A 200 Kids Orphanage Home with a school in OTURKPO
EVENTS Precautions:
We plan to have mostly outdoor events with limited indoor events (depending on the prevailing COVID-19 situation at the time each event occurs).
We are unable to do any of these things without your generous support in spite of the pandemic.
We continue to look forward to your continued support either as a volunteer, donor, or both as we strive together to make water crisis history in our lifetime.
For the poor and needy will not be forgotten according to God’s words in Psalm 9:18.
Our Workshop Building in ABA - NIGERIA
As we near the end of our Anniversary month of April 2021, we would like to ask for your help with our capital project - the South Workshop with is now under construction - Phase 2. We're almost ready to enter the 3rd of 5 phases of this complex project in one of the most challenging countries in the World to be operating.
We are looking to raise about $25,000 to $30,000 to help us complete phases 3 and 4 - when the main Workshop building would have been erected with the covered Rig and Equipment Repair covered yard/parking garage.
The Architectural Drawings or plans are posted beside here to give our donors a better idea of our dreams and vision for this Workshop with a Solar Energy Training Institute and Automotive and Mechanical Training Center.
In any case - please let me know how you'd like to help. Text me what you decide to give or contribute, including in-kind gifts are welcome.
All gifts or contributions are tax-deductible under the IRS 501(c)(3) code.
Looking forward to your continued support. Great grace and peace.
Dr. A. Sunny Okorie
Email: aso@relief-networks.org

The other deliverables missed in 2020 that we pray to accomplish in 2021 to meet our needs and serve more beneficiaries are as follows:
Build covered parking for our Rigs, Water truck, mud pumps, generator, tools, and drill pipes - with an estimated cost: $5000.
Provide for our Field staff of 15 and their families on-going monthly allowances - at about: $1500
Continue to provide monthly food and supplies to the 4 Orphanages we support.
Complete 2 Shallow wells in Aba area and 1 more deep wells in Imo State, and 1 in BENUE.
Payoff our office rent balance for 2020 of $1200 with any other debts of the ministry by Dec. 15, 2021.
Complete the roofing of Orphanage 2 - $750 in India
Help a new partner in Pakistan kick off an Orphanage with a Christian Education Center for teenage girls trapped in child labor, sexual abuse, and prostitution.
Please pray about what the Lord would have you give as we all celebrate Thanksgiving.
Give generously as unto the Lord; yes- give whatever you can afford to help us finish well in 2021 - our 20th Anniversary year!