“Water, 4 Life, in Jesus Name”
Call Us: 1-281-535-3553 RNM, INC.
In The News:
Past Newsletters 
December 12, 2015​
November 2015
October 2015
RNM Annual Reports

Our Annual Reports provide a quick overview of our accomplishments against our mission and goals. Read it now
February 28, 2016​
Current News & Events
This is a phenomenal story - a big Christmas gift and blessing indeed.
We just got this pre-owned Bucyrus Erie (BE-22W) Cable Tool Rig donated to us this December, 2017.
To add icing on the cake, the donor informed us the rig has been shipped into Nigeria and cleared through Customs - thus, removing the usual hassles of shipping in goods into Nigeria.
The new rig and tools are valued at over $55,000, and will help us drill wells in difficult locations, where the formation is unpredictable - whether it is consolidated or unconsolidated.
Now that we have the Well Survey equipment - the Water Finder - River F GER Detector, and this amazing workhorse of rig added to our crew and team in Nigeria.
To build Capacity - we need Community Development program sponsors - not just one-off well sponsors - yet all are welcome still and acceptable; but because the problem is big - the bigger the help, better quicker we can end the water crisis in our lifetime.
Will you join this chariot...

Digital Water Meters - Is now in Africa's future
To All Our Generous Donors:
In conclusion, we need donors - who are extravagant givers, like Mary – who sacrificially gave as worship unto the Lord Jesus, expecting no rewards from the beneficiaries who are served.
"Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her." - (Mark 14:3-9)
"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me" - Matt. 25:40
The poor and needy will always be there – BUT their expectations shall not always be forgotten – Psalm 9:18,
May God touch your heart as a donor or volunteer to change and continue to touch lives through your sacrificial giving that makes lasting impact on thousands of lives through the Relief Network Ministries platform. To donate now, click here.
Solar Pumps
Due to limited power generation and unstable distribution of grid power, it has become imperative for us to introduce the use of Solar Water Pumps - for both deep and shallow wells.

In Nigeria, we are now gearing up to install a number of model well sites in rural and semi-urban areas that use solar pumps to move water from the deep to shallow wells to overhead tanks, from where the fetching points will draw water.
In Niger, we have also kicked off the use of solar pumps with the first training of locals and the installation of 6 solar pumps in the 6 shallow wells done at - a Church, School, Mosque, Market Square, Maternity Hospital, and the Village Chief's Compound in Galmi area of Central South Niger.