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Every well site development begins with a WASH & CE contact, followed by a site geophysical survey. Following agreement with the community or sponsors to proceed, we mobilize any of our most approriate rig and commence the drilling.

We have two teams in Nigeria - the North and South teams.

Our North team is based in Gboko - Central Northern Nigeria and covers work activity in Benue Kogi, Nassarawa, Abuja FCT area, Taraba, Plateau, and Niger States.

Our South team covers most of the South Eastern States of Nigeria - in particular, Abia, Imo, Ananmbara, Rivers, Cross-River, Akwa Ibom, Enugu, Edo, Baylesa, and Delta States.


Our team in Nigeria have three operational drilling rigs - a Schramm T-64 (our biggest truck mounted rig); the Chinese mid-sized rig HGY-II; and the bigger Chinese Rig - HF-3.


In 2014-2015, we acquired the Chinese KXD-II Rig for Niger Republic and imported it into the USA for retrofitting and upgrades.

By Septemeber 2015, we shipped it into Niger with the aid of Intermarine, LLC - an Ocean Freight company based in Houston TX. Today rig has been exonerated from Custom Duty in Niger by the Government of that country, and our team is ready to begin drilling new wells in Niger and training the local nationals to take over the operation of the rig.

To join our mission team on a well drilling / repair technical mission - please use the contact menu above right to connect with us and share your dreams to see how we can mutually be a blessing to each other as we journey together to provide clean safe water to the thirsty poor in West Africa.

+ Disease Transmission

+ Waste Disposal

+ Keeping water containers clean

+ Washing hands before eating

+ Good hygiene behaviors

+ Washing with running water

+ Using toilets or latrines

+ Clean hands, clean hearts


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