“Water, 4 Life, in Jesus Name”
Call Us: 1-281-535-3553 RNM, INC.
What Volunteers Do
Our team of volunteers (RNM Relief Ambassadors or Relief Corps) engage readily as often as needed and for however long an activity takes to perform.
These activites include, but are not limited to:
Advocacy for the cause, mission and vision of the ministry
Fundraising events, such as 2-Mile Walk 4 Water, serve on the Gala Committee for Gala planning & execution, Maratoon Race, Biking 4 Water, Medical Mission participation, WASH - Water And Sanitation Hygiene Training mission in Rural and Peri-Urban West African towns / cities, Pump Repair, Well Drilling Team member, Equipment Repair technician or Trainer, etc
Solicit and generate other medical supplies, pharmaceuticals - such as antibiotic medications, malaria medications, hypertension and diabetes medications for medical mission teams
Work a few hours a day or week at the office to accomplish much needed assistance, etc.
Participant on Mission Trip as a Relief Ambassors.
RNM Volunteers therefore are change agents that are in the business of helping the organization provide beneficiaries access to clean domestic water from drilled water wells, and other sources; medical relief, and job or life skills that make a difference in their lives.
Volunteers help us transfer Skills & Appropriate Technology to Developing and 3rd World Countries.
We focus on children and their primary health as well as women & the elderly.
Partners are those who commit to contributing regularly in cash and kind as well as praying frequently for the work and needs of this ministry to impact lives.
RNM may occasionally award some special certificate or plaques of recognition for outstanding contributions from partners, or give token gifts in appreciation of committed partner support.
Above all, we believe the greatest reward can only be given by the Lord we serve or labor to honor. Heb.6:10; and that "...to whom much is given, much is also required" Luke 12:48


Partner & Volunteer: Other Benefits
The recognition and prestige of being a Relief Advocate - one that champions the cause, puts our volunteers in great lights in social and religious circles as geniune humanitarians and true philanthropists.
For partners and volunteers who make it to mission trip, or participate in lead role in local fundraising drives that generte over $5,000 in revenues and gifts, you become recognized at our next Annual Gala as a Relief Ambassdor.
To Fundraise and achieve your Relief Ambassador recognition at the November 2016 Gala share the "Donate" button link above and have your friends and family select or use the Special Projects menu option to make their donation.
Partner & Volunteer Recognition Awards
Some partners who desire to be recognized for their contributions may recieve recognition awards at our annual Gala, or periodically sponsored News Media submissions in local, Internet News Agencies under philanthropy and on other charitable acts media.